Monday, November 15, 2010

Are We Heading Into Another World War?

Let's face it, the economy sucks and people are angry. As a student of world history, we seem to be heading into the same path that led us into World Wars one and two. First of all, it all started with 9/11 when our own government appears to have, based on video evidence, conspired to take down the World Trade Center. In the name of finding Bin laden, who supposedly took down the WTO from his cave, we invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Fast forward to 2010 where our economy continues to struggle. The Federal Reserve attempts to fix it with quantitative easing and this will only devalue our currency even more. This move by the Federal Reserve has angered China because we sold them fake derivatives. China is the largest debt owner we have and the quantitative easing of $600 billion dollars will weaken their currency. (Our second largest debt owner is the Federal Reserve) However, the U.S has put pressure on China to revalue their currency as a response to the Federal Reserves recent move. Since geopolitical tensions are rising between the U.S and China, I'm going to post a link to this article called, "General Mcinerney: I Am Absolutely Certain That Is Not An Aircraft" by Mark Matheny.

General Mcinerney is a retired Airforce LT General who said on Hannity, who is a news talk show host on Foxnews, the object that flew over California was not an unidentified object, but a missile which was possibly launched by a submarine. According to the article, the missile could possibly be JL-2 ICBM launched by Chinese Jin Class submarine. Here is Mr. Mcinerney's exact quote,
“Well first of all, I do not agree with the assertion Sean. And your question is, we should get a definitive answer. You’re absolutely correct. Look, this is not an airplane because of the plume, and the way you see that plume. Airplanes do not con at sea level or 5000 ft like that. I spent 35 yrs flying fighters, and I never saw an airplane con like that. That is a missile – it’s launched from a submarine, and you can see it go through a correction course, and then it gives a very smooth trajectory meaning that the guidance system has now kicked in, it’s going at about a 45 degrees away from you that’s why you’re not seeing a lot of vertical velocity.” 
When Sean interrupted Lt. Mcinerney, asking ” are you 100% certain? Mcinerney answered with 100% conviction:
“Sean… I’ve watched that film 10 times, I’ve watched 15 other Trident films, SM 3.. Standard missile threes, and T Lam launches…. I am absolutely certain that that is not an aircraft.”
Is this a Chinese warning shot?

Here is the video pertaining to the control demolition of the World Trade Center.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is Janet Napolitano The Next Hitlarian Dictator?

During the course of human history individuals or political parties conspire to overthrow democratic governments in order to gain dominance over its citizens. A few examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, and modern day America starting with 9/11. The topic I want to explore is the controversial issue surrounding the naked body scanners.

As we are well aware of, airports have adopted an invasive security procedure in the name of fighting terrorism. In this article called "Big Sis Slaps Pilots, Industry Leaders In Face Over TSA Revolt," Paul Joseph Watson from Prison Planet discusses the recent meeting between Janet and the pilot unions to debate the health and human rights violations that these security procedures possesses. Just in case you don't already know this, the naked body scanners not only emit high amounts of radiation, enough radiation that will give you cancer after initially going through these scanners, but it also reduces fertility. These Health hazards that the scanners possesses are just half the story, they also violate human rights.

People who understand the health hazards that accompany the naked body scanners can choose to opt-out, however; they are subjected to intense pat-downs that can be characterised as a classic case of sexual molestation. There are stories of TSA officers grabbing, squeezing breasts, and rubbing their hands in between womens' legs. According to Watson's article, not even the U.S military will allow for Afghans to go through these security procedures. It says, "Even the US Army, as an occupying force in a foreign country, now refuses to make Afghan citizens submit to the same treatment Americans are subjected to by the TSA and Homeland Securite (p1)." With this said, our own government still refuses to acknowledge our concerns over intense airport security.

After the meeting with the pilot unions Janet Napolitano still refuses to address any of these concerns, despite protest from very powerful forces that include the unions and Lawmakers. Here is just a brief list of Lawmakers who are protesting these security procedures, “New Jersey State Legislators, including Senator Michael J. Doherty (23rd District), Senator Diane Allen (7th District), Assemblywoman Alison McHose (24th District), Assemblyman John DiMaio (23rd District), Assemblyman Erik Peterson (23rd District), Assemblywoman Valerie Vanieri Huttle (37th District) and Deborah Jacobs, Executive Director for the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, will hold a press conference at the New Jersey State House on Monday, November 15, 2010, to discuss their opposition to the new Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) screening procedures at United States’ airports and the nationwide reports of passenger abuse,” reports Politicker NJ. If our government continues to ignore and trample all over our rights at the airport, then its safe to say that Janet Napolitano is the next hitlarian dictator and must be removed from office immediately before its too late.

P.S here is the link to the article I'm talking about,
